Up to ¥1,000 Reward in Cash

Excellent participants will be rewarded up to ¥1,000 RMB in cash, counting at typing speed over 40 WPM (Word Per Minute).

Speed typing in 10 minutes with page: www.HeChinese.net/HeInput/TwoWordPhrase

Reward calculation formula: (typing speed (WPM) - 40) * 10 RMB;
For example, if you are an excellent learner, and your typing speed is 66.8 WPM, then your reward is:
(66.8 - 40) * 10 = 268 rmb. Maximum reward is 1,000 rmb.

HeChinese typing speed record 181.2 WPM was created by Le Hong Minh (黎红明) on 16th October, 2022. if you break the record, then you can get additional ¥1,000 RMB as record breaker. that means you will get 1,000 + 1,000 = ¥2,000 rmb reward in total.

Please read: Foreigners Typed 150+ Words Per Minute


Excellent participants are:

1. Attend lecturing classes, submit assignments in high quality on time;
2. Write beautifully;
3. Typing speed is 40+ WPM (Words Per Minute).
Speed typing in 10 minutes: www.HeChinese.net/HeInput/TwoWordPhrase
4. Pronounce accurately, and read / recite short sentences fluently in rainbow pattern.
5. Write a meaningful course assessment at end of the course.

Fast typing is a main Chinese capability which you can achieve in a short time, fast typing will build up your confidence, and greatly help your further Chinese study.

Please treat the reward as a encouragement, and faithfully report result.

You can return to the course to get higher reward, but only get the additional reward which is above last time.

Please save typing screenshots during your progress as evidences of your achievement, and be prepared for checking online individually.

14th Class