1. We published 2-week HeChinese start course, all study materials, on this website, everyone can access for free, and can use these materials for self-study at anytime, anywhere.
2. We continue to provide online course for learners who need personal guide for quick learning, we charge a reasonable price.
2-week course, 12-hour classes, the price is ¥1,200 rmb per person.
You can pay with our provided method (click for paying method), and enroll the class;
3. You can join this class by helping us.
You help us to promote HeChinese courses to your communities, to earn credit points, then use credit points to join. Simple as 3 steps:
(1) Create a WeChat group, invite person who are interested in Chinese study to the WeChat group; (2) 10 credit points for each member in your group (10 credit points is equivalent to ¥10 rmb). Invite 120 persons to get 1,200 credit points; (3) Transfer the WeChat group owner to us permanently, then use your credit points to pay and enroll the class.
If you invite more learners to your WeChat group, you will earn more credit points for following HeChinese class payment.
By creating WeChat group to introduce HeChinese, you can help us, your friends and youself, it is not difficult to do.
We are looking for partners to promote HeChinese courses to the world, if you can help, we can cooperate. Thanks!
In order to encourage learners focus on study, put enough time and efforts to do practice, we provide rewards, please check the sibling tab '¥1,000 Rewards' for details.
Everyone has chance to be excellent in this course, and be rewarded for time and efforts inputting.