2 Weeks to find, Chinese is Easy

2-Week HeChinese start course main characters:

1. Web apps + videos: learn with web application + videos / audios / documents;
2. Self-motivated: highly rely on self-motivation;
3. Target-oriented: submit high-quality homework on time;
4. Explore your language talents & learning power to the most and success at the end.

Click top-right tab "Courses / 2-Week Course", then find the left-side sub-menu to start learning.

Each class has 'Information', 'Study Material', 'Homework', and 'Result'.

2-Week Tasks

1. Writing skills with HeInput component system;
2. Typing skills with HeInput component system;
3. Pronunciation skills with the Rainbow pattern, without PinYin and tones;
4. Method of memorizing sounds and meanings of words by reciting short sentences.

2-Week Goals

In 2 weeks, diligent learners can achieve:

1. Beautiful Chinese writing;
2. Fast HeInput typing for all words and phrases;
3. Fluent reading / reciting 10 short sentences in native Chinese tone;
4. A full set of Chinese study skills, a base for further study, and confidence to learn Chinese quickly and easily.

You can get rewarded for your efforts

In order to encourage learners focus on study, put enough time and efforts to do practice, we provide rewards, please check the '¥1,000 Rewards' tab for details.

Everyone have chance to be excellent in this course, and be rewarded for time and efforts inputting.