Effective language study is more about active skills building for writing, typing, pronouncing, and reciting, is less about passive knowledge knowing, specially at beginning.
In HeChinese, each class is given by a web application, with provided videos / audios / documents for helping, or with a possible teacher for assistances.
Do more active practice with course web application, do less passive knowledge knowing by watch videos, listen audios or read documents.
Learn HeInput component system with (click to open) HeTraining application
Learn HeBook with (click to open) HeBook web application
HeChinese courses are provided only from us or our partners, all courses have standard schedule, teaching method, textbooks, web applications and standard examinations. Classes are taught by HeChinese certificated teachers.
HeChinese has trademark, HeInput component system has patent, all HeBooks have copyright.
We believe the HeChinese is the best Chinese study method, We do best efforts to make HeChinese courses the most effective Chinese course in the world.
We are more focus on course quality, learner's progress and achievements, and long-term result.
2-Week HeChinese start course is a self-motivated, target-oriented Chinese video course, highly rely on self-motivated study and practice, target to submit high quality homework on time, expect you to explore your language talents & learning power to the most and success at the end.
2-Week start course, all study materials are free available on this website, please check Tab "Courses/2-Week Course".
The full HeChinese course has 3 phases, each phase takes 40 hours, in total it takes 120 hours.
Learners will Learn 900 words, get solid capabilities of Chinese speaking, reading, writing and typing, reach HSK 3/4 level, and get full set of Chinese study skills for further Chinese self-study.
In order to encourage learners focus on study, put enough time and efforts to do practice, we provide rewards, please check the '¥1,000 Rewards' tab for details.
Everyone have chance to be excellent in this course, and can be rewarded for time and efforts inputting.