The HeInput components system has 25 HeCharacters. 25 HeCharacters are presented by 25 codes. Located in a 5 x 5 matrix, each of the 25 codes is a 2 digital number, containing the column number followed by the row number:
1- | 2- | 3- | 4- | 5- | |
-1 | 11 | 21 | 31 | 41 | 51 |
-2 | 12 | 22 | 32 | 42 | 52 |
-3 | 13 | 23 | 33 | 43 | 53 |
-4 | 14 | 24 | 34 | 44 | 54 |
-5 | 15 | 25 | 35 | 45 | 55 |
On a phone or number pad device, there are 0~9 number keys, using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 five number keys to input 25 codes.
On the computer keyboard, 25 letter keys are used to input 25 codes, one letter key (M) left to input code 0, the layout is as the following image.
The 25 codes can be inputted on a phone, number pad, and the main keyboard, so HeChinese study and input applications can be used on all these devices.
There are 4 basic strokes: 一丨丿丶, and these 4 stokes forms 7 simple symbols: 十乂匚コ口冂凵. 4 basic strokes + 7 simple symbols are found in many languages’ characters.
Besides 4 strokes + 7 symbols, Chinese words have many other components. We selected the 25 most frequently used components as HeCharacters. These 25 HeCharacters have different shapes and meanings; they are easy to recognize, to write, and to remember.
25 HeCharacters start writing from one of 4 basic strokes: 一丨丿丶, we divide them by their first strokes into 4 columns. Since horizontal (一) column has 9 characters, so we further divide them into two columns: a horizontal column (一) and a cross column (十).
The 25 HeCharacters are divided into 5 columns, with the 5 characters in each column arranged from simple to complex, as follows:
25 HeCharacters
Each character is assigned its code by its column and row number, such as:
工: 15, column 1 row 5; 口: 24, column 2 row 4, 火: 54, column 5 row 4.
One exception, 米’s first stroke is dot 点 (丶), but it is located to the third column, code 35, because 米 has close relationship with木.
The 25 HeCharacters are formed from ‘一丨丿丶’ 4 basic strokes, are divided into ‘一丨十丿丶’ 5 columns, are sorted from simple to complex.
‘一丨丿丶’ 4 strokes
一丨十丿丶 5 columns
5 columns x 5 rows
25 HeCharacters
The 5 characters in each column are related to each other in terms of shape, meaning, the first stroke, and complexity.
1. Horizontal (一) Column
Each character starts writing from ‘一’, 4 characters are frames:
11 一:基本笔画,例字:二豆丛同;
12 コ: 左边开口的框,左框,例字:己寻夬尺;
13 匚: 右边开口的框,右框,例字:巨亡忘汇;
14 厂: 边框,例字:历压广旷;
15 工: 左框十右框,例字:功巫江。
2. Vertical (丨) Column
Each character starts writing from ‘丨’, 4 characters are frames:
21 丨:基本笔画,例字:旧个巾山;
22 凵:向上开口的框,上框,例字:山出凶岗;
23 冂:向下开口的框,下框,例字:同内门巾;
24 口:方框,四边框,例字:回呆困束;
25 日:四边框,例字:旦时早明。
3. Cross (十) Column
Each character includes a 十, 4 characters have meanings related to earth or plants. Character 十’s writing is horizontal stroke (一) first and then followed by vertical stroke (丨).
31 十:横笔画十竖笔画,例字:古舌草叶;
32 土:例字:坦里块灶;
33 艹:例字:芯苦草茹;
34 木:例字:林果枝森;
35 米:例字:粉粮粑楼。
4. Left-Falling 撇 (丿) Column
丿 (撇) stroke is written from top right to bottom left, heavy in and light out.
Each character starts writing with ‘丿’, which looks like a hair; 4 characters have meanings related to people or animal.
41 丿:基本笔画,象一根毛发,例字:毛禾向必;
42 亻:象一个站立的人,例字:你他们伸;
43 人:象一个走路的人,例字:从坐个合;
44 女:象一个跳舞的人,例字:妈姐如妆;
45 犭:象奔跑的动物,例字:猫狗猪狂。
5. Dot 点 (丶) Column
Dot丶 (点) is written as light in and heavy out (start light and end heavy).
Each character starts writing with ‘丶’, 4 characters have meanings related to water or fire.
51 丶:基本笔画,例字:门叉主玉;
52 冫:与水有关,例字:冰冷凉;
53 氵:例字:江河湖海;
54 灬火:与火有关,例字:灶灿热燃;
55 心:例字:志怒闷悉。
The 25 HeCharacter is the cornerstone of HeInput components system, the starting point for the HeChinese Study Method.
Using online applications, flashcards, and appendix 3 writing pages to practice 25 HeCharacters recognizing, writing, and typing. Practice makes perfect.
25 HeCharacters and 50 words flashcards
10+ years old Chinese students need 1 hour, foreign adults need 2 hours, and 5-6 year-old children need 3-4 hours to finish this chapter.