Chapter4 HeCharacter Extended Table

Section1 183 Components

There are many different components in thousands of Chinese words, HeInput components system selected 183 components, also related them to the 25 HeCharacters by their shapes or meanings, formed following HeCharacter extended table.

25 HeCharacters composes 300+ frequently used words, 183 components in the HeCharacter extended table composes every Chinese word.


HeCharacter Extended Table

Number of Characters: 42+24+36+49+32 = 183

Section2 Five Views of HeCharacter Extended Table

1. Based on 25 HeCharacters.

183 components are related to the 25 HeCharacters by shapes or meanings, and located to a 5x5 matrix; the first component in each cell is a HeCharacter.

2. Stroke’ breaking extensions.

Basic stroke looks like a stick, it can be bent or broken, such as horizontal stroke (横 一), breaking (折) it at the middle, its shape changes to乛フ乙乁.

We call乛フ乙乁 as horizontal stroke breaking (横折), treat乛フ乙乁 as breaking extension of 一(横). 一 and乛フ乙乁 are located at the same cell in the matrix and have same code 11.

Vertical stroke (竖丨) has its breaking (折) extensions 亅乚 (竖折), code as 21.  

Stroke’s breaking extension is a useful concept, with it, basic strokes and their extensions are put together in their cells:

Code 11:和码字根Horizontal stroke and its breaking extensions;
Code 21:和码字根Vertical stroke and its breaking extensions;
Code 31:和码字根Horizontal and vertical strokes and their extensions;
Code 41:和码字根丿 stroke and its breaking extensions;
Code 51:和码字根Dot (丶乀) strokes and its breaking extension.

3. Components with similar shape or structure are put together.

Code 13:和码字根  Code 42:和码字根
Code 14:和码字根  Code 43:和码字根
Code 15:和码字根  Code 44:和码字根
Code 23:和码字根  Code 52:和码字根
Code 25:和码字根  Code 53:和码字根

4. Components with related meaning are put together.

Code 33:和码字根  Code 45:和码字根
Code 35:和码字根  Code 53:和码字根

5. A tick stroke is treated as a horizontal stroke.

When coding, tick stroke is treated as horizontal stroke, takes code 11, example words: 刁,叼,或,打,地,坏,我

Section3 More Component Explanation

Many components are not printable, can only be shown in images.

Code 12:和码字根Component 习’s code 12;
Code 13:和码字根First stroke 一乛フ乙 touches second stroke丨亅乚, 丅→丁了匚卩;
Code 14:和码字根Horizontal stroke extension 乛フ + 丿 or 丶乀;
Code 15:和码字根工=(コ+匚); 工→干→于→子;
Code 22:和码字根凵: open up frame, ㅗ (上): up;
Code 23:和码字根Original shape of 冖 is 冂. 雨→雪霞雷; 高→亮膏; 尚→党堂常; 冎咼→骨; 商→帝. And in words: 宇家宁牢宝, 冖 means冂.

Code 24, 25: In some Chinese words, 口日are divided into two parts, such as 黽亞惡, when coding, we treat them as a whole, so 黽: 24 25 21; 亞: 15 21 24; Symbol 〇 is treated as口, code 24;

Symbol 〇 is treated as口, code 24;

Code 25:和码字根 If taking one code from见見贝貝, it is 25, if taking two codes from 见見贝貝, we treat见=見 (25 42), and treat 贝=貝 (25 43);

Code 32:和码字根 阝 has the same meaning as 土 (earth, soil, and ground), example words: 院陵陡险陆阪阴阳, 都郊邦郡郭;

The first stroke is horizontal or its breaking extension: →力九;

Code 33:和码字根 (bamboo) is located with 艹 (grass);

Code 34:和码字根 大 (big), 大丈 shape similar, 丈戈 shape flipped;
戈 (weapon, dagger-ax), in words 我栽载戢鹅俄, the first stroke (一) of 戈 is shared by two components;

Code 35:和码字根石 (stone), 矢 (arrow), 金 (gold), 米 (rice), 车 (car), these components and words are related to earth土;

Code 42:和码字根First stroke 丿, second stroke 丨乚, they are put together with separating, touching, and crossing positions;

Code 43:和码字根First stroke 丿, second stroke 乀, put together with separating, touching, and crossing positions;

The first stroke is丿 breaking extension: 八→厶幺;

Code 44:和码字根First stroke 丿く, second stroke フ乙;

Code 45:和码字根Zoo, most animal components are here;

1 犭:猫 狗猪猩猴
2 豸:豺豹貌貂
3 牛:牲牧牵牢
4 免:兔象鱼龟
5 鼠毁舅叟
6 鸟乌岛凫枭
7 豕:家象豪毅
8 虫:蚁虾蚊蛙蝶
9 马:骑驭驶骏骄
10 鹿:麒麟 (unicorn) 麂鏖
11 虍:虎彪虐虑
12 欠:饮炊欢欲欺
13 攵:敢做攻放收教

Code 51:和码字根捺 (乀) stroke can be seen as a big dot (丶), writing from top left to bottom right, light in and heavy end;

Code 53:和码字根most components are related to water, such as: 江 (river) 湖 (lake) 海 (sea) 汗 (sweat) 泪 (tear), 雨 (rain) 水 (water) 巡 (patrol);

Code 54:和码字根灬火 (fire): 热 (hot) 熟 (cooked) 灯 (lamp) 燃 (burn); 忄 (emotion): 情 (feeling) 怕 (fear) 愤 (angry) 恨 (hate);

Code 55:和码字根心 (heart); 疒 (disease, sick), 癌 (cancer); 立六 (stand), 辛 (hard) 交 (cross); 衤 (cloth), 袍 (gown); 礻示 (pray), 祸 (disaster).

Section4 Features of Components in Column

1. Horizontal (一) column

1) The first stroke is horizontal or horizontal breaking, such as 匚于了习;
2) The first stroke touches another stroke, not cross, such as 丁厂工干刀王;
3) Most components are frames, such as left side open, right side open, and side frames, コ匚工厂廴.

2. Vertical (丨) column

1) The first stroke is vertical or vertical breaking, such as 凵冂口日田;
2) Most components are frames, such as open up frame, open down frame and sealed frame, 凵冂口日田罒.

3. Cross (十) column

1) The first stroke is horizontal or horizontal breaking as 十乜土卄大车;
2) The first stroke crosses the second as 七土卄大车戊, not touch;
3) Many components’ meanings are related to earth and plants, such as 土阝艹木米石金.

4. Left-falling (丿) column

1) The first stroke is 丿 or く;
2) Many components’ meanings are related to people and animal, such as 亻人女牛犭马虍虫.

5. Dot (丶) column

1) The first stroke is dot (丶), such as 冫丷讠氵辶;
2) Several components’ meanings are related to water & fire: 冫氵灬火心.

Section5 3 sets of 25-Characters and words

The 183 components is the most difficult part of this book, we take a step by step approach to learn, 25 components at each step, and take 3 steps.

Use HeInput online training application, flashcards, and hand-writing pages for each step learning.

After 3 sets, totally 75 components and 150 words’ writing, typing, and recognizing practices, you will get familiar with this extended table.

Step 1: 25 HeCharacters



Step 2: HeCharacter extended set 1



Step 3: HeCharacter extended set 2



Section6 Step By Step practices







10+ years old Chinese students need 2 hours, foreign adults need 2-3 hours, and 5-6 years old kids need 4-6 hours to finish this chapter. Do more practice to improve fluency.