Yes, HeChinese study system is intuitive, easy to understand and to learn, and this website provided enough materials to support your self-study:
1. 2-week HeChinese start course, all study materials are available for free, please check "Course/2-Week Course" tab.
This 2-week course provides enough resource and guides to learn Chinese study skills of writing, typing, pronunciation and memorizing, can build base for further Chinese study.
2. "HeInput Training" course web application are always available for free, check "Online/HeInput Training" tab.
"HeInput Training" web application is the first part, and also the core part of HeChinese course, it provides the standard way to learn HeInput component system, easy and effective.
3. HeInput keyboard application on Windows, Android, iOS are available for free, check "Resource / Software" tab;
4. Beside this website, we also published many course videos on Youtube HeChinese channel;
At beginning, it will be helpful to have a teacher to guide your study, since you need feedback for your pronunciation, writing, reading, and reciting, we also provide paying course, please check 'Online / 2-Week Course / Booking' tab.
Yes, In HeChinese, we use the Rainbow pronunciation pattern to pronounce each Chinese sound. It is a new way to explain and pronounce Chinese sound, much simple and effective than PinYin.
If you used PinYin to learn Chinese pronunciation before, I am sure, as a foreigner, you already found that the 4 tones is very difficult, to remember tone for each word is a big mess.
Even you remember a word tone (number), you still can't pronounce it accurately, since a tone is an index of PinYin standard 4-tone sequence, foreigners don't know, and can't pronounce the standard 4-tone sequence, they can’t read/tell the index (tone).
PinYin and tones were invented and brought into Chinese study since year 1958, Native Chinese never use PinYin to learn Chinese pronunciation for sure.
With Rainbow pattern, we learn pronunciation directly, without PinYin and tones, starts from 12345 five numbers and their combination pronunciation.
Actually, Chinese pronunciation is very simple, if you can pronounce 12345 and their combinations accurately, and master the rainbow pronunciation pattern, then you have the skills to pronounce every Chinese sound accurately. So you can improve your Chinese pronunciation with HeChinese course quickly and easily.
Yes, we use HeInput component system to learn Chinese writing and typing skills.
From strokes to components, from components to words, from simple words to complex words, HeInput component system provides a step-by-step approach to learn Chinese writing and typing.
Other Chinese study methods lack of component system, words are viewed as piles of strokes.
Hope you already found the difference between two views of words.
HeChinese has HeInput component system as the core part, We am very sure that you can improve your Chinese writing quickly with HeChinese course.
Learning Chinese reading, to reach HSK 4, we need to remember 1,000 words, which will cover 90% use.
To remember words one by one is difficult, but remember words by reciting sentence is much easy.
We can make short sentences with words in above table:
时间,几分钟?地点,在哪里? (Time, how many minutes? location, where it is?) 时间几分钟呢?地点在哪里呀? (How many minutes? where is the location?)
These short sentences exist in every language, are easy to understand. Reciting these sentences, we link the words study with daily live, scenes, motion, feeling. By reciting, we remember writings, sounds and meanings together.
In thousands years, Chinese kids remembered the sounds and meanings of words by reciting short sentences, there are many popular textbooks of short sentences: 《三字经》,《百家姓》,《千字文》. These textbooks generated high efficiency of Chinese study.
HeChinese textbooks, series of HeBook1-3, adapted the short sentences approach, each lesson has 2 6-word short sentence, which are carefully composed for easy to recite.
Following are videos of our previous foreign learners' reciting
*** Reciting short sentences 1 (video) ** Reciting short sentences 2 (video)
In HeChinese, we remember sounds and meanings of words by reciting short sentences.
A foreign Chinese student normally does not live in Chinese community for long, if he / she does not have someone to speak to, and does not read Chinese, then his / her Chinese study or practice will stop, and what he learned before will gradually lose.
But if the foreign student can read Chinese, then he / she can pick up any kind of Chinese book to read, when reading, he / she is talking to the book, then speaking, listening and thinking all come together.
Reading can be anytime, anywhere, any topic, at any level, reading is alternative way to practice listening & speaking.
For a foreign student, without reading, his study will be passive and limited, and his Chinese level can't be improved easily.
That is the reason why reading is important for Chinese learning, including speaking. It is same for English learning, English reading is important for any kind of English learning.
Before, without HeInput component system, Chinese writing, typing and reading all are difficult, these difficulties stopped many learners.
Now using HeChinese study method, learning Chinese writing, typing and reading is easy and effective, we encourage learners start Chinese learning from characters, learn Chinese with HeChinese study method.
HeInput component system is important for developing Chinese writing and typing skills, before without it, almost all foreign learners found Chinese writing and typing are very difficult.
HeInput daily typing, like hand-writing, can refresh the memory of Chinese writing, with HeInput daily typing, you can remember Chinese word better and longer, otherwise, you will find it is difficult to remember Chinese words.
PinYin typing uses sound information, it does not help to remember Chinese writing, and doesn't help to practice pronunciation neither, pronunciation practice is listening and speaking, not by typing.
So if you want to learn good Chinese, learn Chinese easily and effectively, you need to learn and use HeInput typing.
Actually, HeInput typing is easy to learn, foreigners can master HeInput typing in 4-6 hours.
Please read: Foreigners Typed 150+ Words Per Minute