Recite to Memorize

An essential task of language study is to build direct reflection between word’s ‘Writing Sound Meaning’, ‘字形 字音 字义’.

1. Writing Sound and Meaning: Seeing the writing, you can directly read its sound and know its meaning;

2. Sound Writing and meaning: Hearing the sound, you can directly get the meaning, and write the word;

3. Meaning Writing and sound: want to express a meaning, you can directly say or write the word.

Good Chinese study method needs to help learners to build these direct reflections easily and effectively.

一、Memorizing Method

1. Memorize words one by one separately is difficult.

Using word-list to remember sounds and meanings of words is frequently used method, but it is not effective way, and it is difficult.

Memorize word list

2. Reciting short sentences is an easy way to memorize meanings and sounds of words.

Words in above table can form several often used short sentences, such as:


These short sentences are in every language’s daily usage, relates circumstance, easy to understand and remember, reciting these short sentences is not difficult, if you can recite these short sentences, then the sounds and meanings of words will be remembered together.

Memorize word list

Memorize word list

If you can read and recite these 10 6-word short sentences, then you should remember the sounds and meanings of these 60 words, and you should master Chinese native tones. these 60 frequently used words cover 20% daily usage.

Chinese word sound is mono-syllable, it is easy to form fixed length short sentences: 3-word, 4-word or 5-word short sentences, which are easy to read and recite.

In thousands of years, Chinese had several popular text-book (三字经、百家姓、千字文), which has 3-word, 4-word short sentences, children learned Chinese effectively with this kind of text-books.

HeChinese carries on Chinese classic memorizing method, reciting short sentences to remember sounds and meanings of Words. HeChinese has 3 HeBooks, each book has 50 6-word short sentences.

二、1,000 Words Cover 90% Usage

HeChinese courses have series of textbooks to help learners to recite and remember short sentences and words quickly.

4 HeBooks

HeBooo1-3 three books includes 900 frequently used words, which covers nearly 90% daily usage, finishing these 3 books learners can reach HSK4 level.

1000 words coverage

HeChinese course teaches lesson with web application ( with teacher’s assistant. Course requires:

1. Writing, typing, pronouncing all words, phrases and sentences in each lesson;

2. Recite two 6-word short sentences in each lesson.

1000 words coverage

1000 words coverage

1000 words coverage

三、HeBook1 Study Videos

** 1. Rainbow pronunciation pattern

** 2. HeBook1 Lesson1 pronunciation by Merry

*** 3. HeBook1 Lesson1-2 teaching

*** 4. HeBook1 Lesson3 teaching by Merry

show time and speed   show time and speed   show time and speed   show time and speed  

*** 5. HeBook1 Lesson4 study

**  6. First 3 days number practice

**  7. Recite Sentence 背诵短句记忆字音字义(13期)

**  8. Recite Sentence 背诵短句记忆字音字义(14期)

show time and speed   show time and speed   show time and speed   show time and speed