My Chinese level when taking this course is HSK6. I have been studying Chinese for about 15 years since I was in kindergarten and went to elementary school, high school, graduate school and until now.
The hardest part while I was learning Chinese was recognizing the face of the word and writing it down.
All lessons attend and can then be watched 2 or 3 more times so as not to miss a single detail. Over a period of time when I joined this course many of my skills improved, enhanced in every way. Now I can pronounce better, write nice and neat letters, type faster, and better than that I can recognize difficult words.
The HeInput component system is very helpful for writing and reading Chinese and shortens my Chinese learning time.
In my opinion, learning pinyin and rainbow pronunciation patterns, rainbow is much better than pinyin pronunciation. Memorizing short sentences is not difficult and it can help me to remember longer about its pronunciation, meaning and wording.
The HeChinese study method and this 2-week free online SHUPL Chinese quick start course improve a lot in writing, pronunciation & typing of the participating students, greatly improve the obsessions for students who are beginners.
I am very grateful to the school and the teachers or support staff for this course, the course means a lot to me and everyone involved. And I hope the school can organize more courses like this so that students from all over the world know Chinese and participate.
Absolute beginner, I didn't study anything about Chinese language before this course. This course is the starting point in Chinese language world for me.
Chinses writing: it takes a lot of time to write but in the other hand I improved a lot and I started to memories the shapes of characters because we do every paper twice. Also, now when I see Chinese characters, I can recognize the characters and words that we learned and that is make me happy.
Chinese typing: it is a kind of magic. I still remember my self when we started this course, I spent a lot of time to print a word and doing a lot of mistakes when dividing the phrase into its typing code and understanding the rules of code... I can type phrases easier and faster by using the rules of codes.
Chinese reading: for me reading skill is improved in parallel with speaking, writing and typing skills because when we are writing and typing, we are memories the shape of the words and by speaking we know how to pronounce the words. So, after getting familiar with the shape and the sound of the words the reading is improved directly.
In a short time of course period, surprisingly I improved my writing, typing, speaking, and reading the characters more than I could imagine. I think this course made huge impact on my broken pronunciation and typing which I have never paid attention before.
The HeInput components system is surely useful for writing and reading Chinese. At the beginning, I found it very difficult to understand the method. It took hours to learn how to use it. But once learned, it is easy and fast way of typing on your computers.
Learning rainbow pattern early in your Chinese studies can help establish a solid foundation with the language and help you learn new words.
Reciting short sentences is a very helpful method to memorize meanings and sounds. If you spend some time on reciting them it is not very difficult.
The HeChinese study method is a very efficient method for those who want to learn Chinese and looking for an alternative to pinyin and other traditional language learning programs. 20 hours SHUPL Chinese free online course is very intense but efficient. It is the bootcamp of Chinese learning. It helps to prepare participants to tackle and satisfy the reel needs of Chinese learning.
My Chinese level was HSK 3 when joining this course.
I have absolutely improved my level of Chinese including the writing, reading, typing and speaking.
HeInput components system is very helpful in Chinese writing and reading and not all that difficult just need to be passive, dedicated, committed in studying it. At the beginning you might see it difficult but after few lessons and more practice, it becomes easiest way of learning.
The rainbow pronunciation pattern is very effective and helps to pronounce word accurately. More practice will let you speak like Chinese citizen. Pinyin is not best option in learning pronunciation as compared to the rainbow patterns. It is very appropriate for anyone learning Chinese to use the rainbow pattern.
I can recite more short sentences or phrases that were learnt during the course and can be used in my everyday life.
This has been a short course but very intensive one. The study method used is very smart and easy to learn. I’d like to make a strong recommendation to anyone who wants to learn Chinese to use this method.
I will thank all the teachers and organizers who initiated this course. you will forever remain in our heart. I appreciate all your efforts in teaching us to be perfect readers, speakers, writers, and typist of Chinese. Thus great achievement.
I improved my Chinese writing, typing, speaking and reading in this course. I made the biggest progress in typing and writing. I have never imagined myself typing in Chinese this was my first experience and I really enjoyed it. I was also so amazed of how I was able to beautifully write Chinese characters in such a short time.
I found HeInput components system greatly useful for Chinese writing and reading and it is not difficult to learn. I want to continue to use it because it is a very effective and interesting way to learn Chinese.
The Rainbow pronouncing pattern helped me to pronounce accurately and easily. Rainbow pronouncing pattern is better than PinYin.
Reciting short sentences helps to memorize meanings and sounds of words. It is a little difficult to recite sentences but it is a good method to improve my Chinese fluency.
I am truly grateful for this opportunity to do a Chinese quick start course provided by SHUPL. The teaching services are amazing. The teachers and organizers are so dedicated and are available to help whenever any issue arises. I was satisfied with the teaching materials offered because they were enough and served the purpose of offering this Chinese quick start course.
I am completely a fresher as Chinese language learner. I learned Chinese only 15 days by this course.
Yes, I strongly believe that I’ve improved Chinese writing, typing and speaking and reading skills. Cause the guideline is completely excellent to learn Chinese as fresher like me. I think writing part give me more pleasure.
Rainbow pattern is amazing. It’s helped me to pronounced correctly and smoothly. As a new learner, I’m completely satisfied Using Rainbow pronouncing pattern.
When I recite short sentences I literally feel that I am a complete Chinese speaker. It’s very enjoyable for me knowing the meaning of the words and reciting it again and again. So, I Don’t think It’s more difficult. Overall I think It’s the easiest way to recite short sentences with knowing the meaning.
2 weeks, it’s a great journey for me. The course is completely excellent. One think I want to mention, the practice system is very effective for the learners. I think no suggestion need this course pattern cause It’s already superbly managed and decorated. It’s my pleasure having a part of this beautiful journey.
This is the end of my 40 hours with HeChinese. It has been pretty hard going mentally but worth it.
When I first arrived in China, I learned Chinese using Pinyin and the four different tones. These four different tones had made me less confident in speaking the language, because I am forever thinking which tone I should use.
I decided to give it one more go with HeChinese and I have to say, I feel more confident in speaking the language now than I did then. With HeChinese, there are no tones, just learning to speak out using the same pattern.
An adult should have at least 1,000 words in their vocabulary and I have learned 300 words in 4 weeks. I know I still have alot to learn but HeChinese has made me fall in love with the characters and very confident in speaking the language.
I will continue with my reading, writing and speaking lessons of this course.
If you told me that I would learn Chinese without PinYin, I wouldn't believe you. Yet having used this method, it's far superior!
I am now able to write, listen and speak far more proficiently than before. Cannot recommend this system enough!
Apart from learning how to code, to type and pronunce Chinese characters, I also learned the character writing and the stroke order which is very important and useful for my calligraphy.
Normally I'll be afraid of speaking Chinese because of my tones, but in the class I learnt a great deal of tips that gave me the courage to speak up and practice having my conversations in chinese.
I'm very grateful for participating in this class.
我的中文水平相当于 HSK 五级。从 2010 年我上大学开始学习中文。
My current level is HSK3.
When I joined, my writing and pronunciation were not good. However, the teacher did not stop correcting mistakes. By now, my handwriting is much better, pronunciation is not as bad as before. This is a short process, but the effect is huge. I have tried many methods to improve pronunciation and writing, but to no avail. until you join this course. Great, excellent, wonderful.
I will definitely use HeInput. Starting to use HeInput, I typed Chinese words fast before a lot. When using the Pinyin tool, I had to choose from a lot of time, but with Input everything became clearer, faster. I will recommend HeInput to my family and friends more, so that HeInput can promote its full features. It's great to have HeInput.
When I first learned the Rainbow pronunciation pattern, I was very surprised at my pronunciation. My pronunciation is very bad. However, pronouncing Rainbow, I got the words right most of the time. This is something that Pinyin cannot do. When I was in middle school, I used to pronounce Pinyin, it was too difficult. But with Rainbow it's different, his dedication and this particular method has improved a lot for me through the pronunciation of words like "上中下" or "我你她"... Really a method Pronunciation method is far superior to Pinyin. For students new to Chinese like me, this is a great method.
Overall, this is a well-researched method from an expert. All elements in learning Chinese and typing are applied in a very scientific way.
Pronunciation Rainbow has almost completely erased my errors in pronunciation. Help me learn Chinese in the long run to have a solid foundation of Chinese pronunciation. This is the amazing result of a very successful study.
Although I only experienced the short 2-week course, the things I learned were really valuable. Learned with the teaching of Mr. 欧阳贵林. The teacher took care to correct each homework with many mistakes. The lessons are very punctual and sometimes even teach overtime. He is very enthusiastic and has the ethics of a true teacher.
I would say I am totally a beginner.
Certainly, all my skills are improved. To say the biggest progress, I think it is typing & the way to remember the characters. Before, it was a challenge for me. But the new model helps me solve it easier. I think it is a good first step to learn Chinese.
At first, HeInput was so difficult. But when I know the rules, I found it is not difficult as I thought. I can type many words in a short time right now. I will continue to use Helnput because I think it is suitable for me.
Definitely. Instead of learning word by word, I found reciting short sentences help to memorize the meanings and sounds of words better. Learning a new language is never easy but will try my best. Reciting sentences is not too difficult but not easy as well. But at least, which I learn is exactly what the Chinese use in daily life.
Almost everything is well. Laoshi XiaoCao is enthusiastic as she always gives the students useful feedback and motivates us. Laoshi Guilin Ouyang is the same. Although sometimes, he gave me feedback that let me down for a while, I found they are useful and can be considered as a motivation to do better. He puts a perfect standard which is difficult for a beginner like me. But when I catch up on the progress, I feel happy because I break out myself and I did the things that I thought I couldn't do before.